This is a sponsored post written on behalf of Aunt Phil’s Trunk. All opinions are 100% my very own.
I’ll be honest, I never had a desire to visit Alaska until a few years ago. I had friends that went on an Alaskan cruise and immediately fell in love with this breath-taking state. Their photos were absolutely stunning.
Also, Adam took his mom on an amazing Alaskan cruise for her 70th birthday this past May. He is insisting we go and discover all about Alaska together because it’s truly amazing.
So being the teacher that I am, I wanted to learn more about this adventurous and alluring state.
Do you want to discover amazing Alaska facts and information that will make you jump on the next plane to Alaska?
Not only will you marvel in the beauty of Alaska, but you will be memorized with the history of Alaska as well. Aunt Phil’s Trunk has sold more than 20,000 copies of Aunt Phil’s Trunk Volume One in print books sold worldwide, readers are saying the entertaining nonfiction stories are keeping all ages entertained.
A note from the author, Laurel Downing Bill,
I inherited newspaper clips, research and rare Alaska history books from my Alaska historian aunt, Phyllis Downing Carlson, who died in 1993.
My children and I are enjoying Aunt Phil’s Trunk Volume One together. The book is for ages 9-99, but my 8-year-old daughter is digging these entertaining short stories, too. The book shares short stories and historical photographs of the first people of Alaska who traveled north when the Great land became part of the United States.
My ten-year old absolutely is fascinated with the 350 photographs and maps in the book. It really makes the history of Alaska come alive. The book is written by the award-winning author Laurel Downing Bill truly brings Alaska history alive in this first book in the five-book series. She inherited newspaper clips, research and rare Alaska history books from her Alaska historian aunt, Phyllis Downing Carlson, who died in 1993.
That is how these marvelous, entertaining 5 series volumes came about.
Yes, I have all five volumes and consider them gems on our bookshelves. They are written in easy-to-read pages that kept us hooked. You can either read from start to finish or read each chapter separately according to topic.
The additional teacher guide is a helpful resource if you have students or just truly want to dive deep in to the history of Alaska. The author shares facts to know, comprehensive questions, discussion questions, an enrichment activity, and a suggested website offering more related information per chapter. The teacher guide offers more of a unit study approach as far as homeschooling is concerned.
Want to try out the the first book in the series?
Get the student workbook and teacher guide for $50. You will save $15. 00. Click here and use code: Homesteader
10 Interesting Facts About Alaska you should Know
- Alaska is largest state in the United States.
- Alaska was the 49th state admitted to the Union in 1959.
- Alaska is very rich in Russian culture. The U.S. purchased the state from Russia back in 1867 for $.02 an acre.
- Only 1% of Alaska’s gold has been discovered. This obviously means, there is 99% of Alaska’s gold yet to be discovered.
- The native artifact that defines Alaska is the Ulu. The Ulu is a U-shaped knife created by the native Alaskan tribes to facilitate cutting vegetables and fish.
- The most unusual things that define Alaska are: Jade, Salmon, Ivory (specifically from Mammoth and Seals), the totem statues, furs, antlers, gold, and its wildlife.
- Alaska is home to the tallest Mountain in North America. Also, 17 out of the 20 highest peaks in the U.S. are located in Alaska. It contains the third largest river in the U.S., The Yukon River.
- Alaska counts and produces a reasonable percentage (25%) of the oil in the U.S.
- Juneau is only accessible by air or sea. There are no roads that lead to Juneau.
- Dog mushing is the official state sport.
These are just a few of the hundreds of amazing facts about all about Alaska.
Once you start reading Aunt Phil’s Trunk, you’ll want to take a trip to Alaska. It’s definitely going to be a vacation on your bucket list.
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