Today’s topic at 5 Minute Friday is…Real Life.  I only have 5 minutes to share my heart on this broad subject, Real Life.

Hungry goats, chickens, dogs and one warrior cat are always a calling first thing, praising the Lord for His blessings, creative thinking when it comes to healthy meals, stepping on hot wheels, trying to locate a roll of toilet paper, and hollering to come to the breakfast table each morning is REAL LIFE in the Craft home.

Aiding the children in their school, checking email, devotional with the little ones, entertaining the 20 month old, changing a dirty diaper, laughing with others, desperately trying to jump in the shower for a 3 minute mental break before for it reaches noon is REAL LIFE for the Craft Family.

Forgetting to check the calendar, stopping a moment to enjoy my precious children, wanting to desperately have a meek and quiet spirit, wanting to spend more time meditating on His Word, lacking the moments to tell my children I love them, and not always having a servant heart is REAL LIFE at the Craft home.

Reading the His Word to my children, watching them play happily with one another, crayons dispersed everywhere, sharing the gospel, engaging in read a louds, sharing during our evening meal, giving credit to our God, and loving our life together as a family is REAL LIFE in the Craft home.

And blogging with many grammatical errors is Real Life in the Craft Home.

Thanks Gypsy Mama for hosting 5 minute Friday today.  Have a blessed day!