Today is my first time to participate in 5 minute Friday.  Today’s theme is to write about REST…I’m to just write freely without editing…So here it goes..


When I ponder the word rest…the word Be Still comes to mind.  So often I get so caught up in the midst of my everyday routine that I forget to breathe….well, that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but  I do forget to eat.  Stop, I know you can’t believe that when you look at me .lol  So many times the Holy Spirit pricks my heart and whispers, “Stop, Be Still, and know that I am God.”  Many times, I ignore His calling.  Today I am going to Be Still and immense in His presence.  Be Still.

My time is up.  Check what rest means to others hereCheck out my giveaway for a 15.00 Amazon gift card here.