

I didn’t come up with this idea myself, but I can’t remember where I read this memorable family tradition to keep for many generations. It is called a blessing basket. You will need the following items:


cheap basket

small journal or notebook

Each time your family has a special blessing, such as, new baby, new house, healing, etc., you place a numbered stone or rock in your basket. Use a sharpie for writing the # on the stone. Then, in your journal titled Family Blessings, write the blessing next to the number, description of the blessing, and the date.

For example,

Blessing #1 ~ Olivia May was born into our family on ……..


So, you will have memories of all your blessings for years to come. It is always refreshing to have a reminder of all the wonderful things God has done for us, even when life gets tough.


Oh ~ I bought the basket, journal, and the rocks at the dollar store.


Check out Rocksinmydryer for more fun ideas.