This post contains my affiliate link that helps support my family.  Read my full disclosure policy.


This month the children are going to be learning about the couragous Paul along with the artist, Pat Knepley and Gloria Kholmann.  They will be working together on chalk pastels and will admire their art with a black light.

See the Light has FREE copywork pages covering passages in Act 27 to go along with The Shipwrecked Bible and Art Lesson.  This will keep the children writing and learning during the hot summer months in a non-threatening way.


The Shipwrecked – Bible and Art Lesson is only $12.50 during the month of June! This retails at 14.99.


Use Coupon Code: JUNE

 Hurry!  Offer good thru June 30, 2013.

Read my thoughts on Art Projects: Cartooning!