This is WACKY WEEK here at Blogger Friend School!  Everything is wacky fun!  This week YOU, the student, get to share something of your choice that is little “Wacky”!!!

Have you done something crazy in your homeschool?  Do you fingerpaint with your toes?  Do you let your children do your hair?  Do you wear your pajamas during homeschool?   Oh, the list is endless, but it’s up to you and how much fun you want to have.

To make it even “wackier” (not sure if it’s really a word, but hey, we don’t check spelling this week at BFS either!!!…..try and type some or all of your post sdrawkcab.  (backwards!)

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I must admit everyday is a bit wacky around here…  It’s anyting, but normal around here.  A bit rowdy at times to say the least with 5 boys.

We start our day off with worship and bible.  We learn the lyrics to the music by using Daddy’s karaoke machine.  We have christian pop and hymns that we play and sing along to each morning.  The little ones love to dance and jump around.  Hey, what better way to learn the hymns and to celebrate our Heavenly Father.  It’s always fun and uplifting.  We all look forward to this special time.

Check out what other wacky homeschoolers do during their homeschool day here.  Dear Sisters: We must live up to our “stero-type.”  HOMESCHOOLERS ARE WEIRD!!!!! LOL!