This weeks theme is:

Awhile back Mother Dear received a question on what snack foods to buy for homeschooling families, on the go or at home, and she inspired this week’s theme. There are so many different kinds of snack foods, store-bought and homemade, and I would like to invite you to share what snack foods your family usually snacks on throughout the week. You’re welcome to make season lists too. I know there are different meals we eat during the colder seasons than we do in the warmer ones, and I imagine there are also seasonal snack foods as well.

In May I really made an effort to improve our family’s eating habits by eating more natural, organic, and tradional foods.  So, I can’t wait to see what every one serves their children.  I must admit our snacks aren’t the healthiest, but I am going to strive to work on this….

Our Snacks consists of….

Hot Aired Popcorn

crackers with organic peanut butter


peanuts with the shell

graham crackers

granola ~ this is a favorite for breakfast, too

My boys only drink water.  No kool aid or artificial sweetener drinks.  This has always been the case in our house.  Of course, they are allowed to have (raw) milk with meals.  So, that’s our snacks ~ pretty boring, huh!