
Share some of your favorite homeschooling sites.  The only “rule” for this assignment is that you have to list at least one “free” site.  Many homeschooling families have made the choice to live on very little income to do what they believe is best for their children and I want everyone to be able to benefit from this assignment.  If you have other sites that are “paid” sites, feel free to include these also as it might be something someone would really appreciate.  If you feel led, share your curriculum choices with us.  I always love to learn what is out there that I don’t already know about.  Please make sure to include links to the sites you share.

Let’s hear it for all you link queens out there!  Do I hear some Amens or what?  I love, love, and love to find new links.

So here it goes my sweet homeschool sisters…..

All of my cool links are saved under my portable here.  Go under guest access and password is tonsofsons.

As for our homeschool resources read here.

Also, awhile back I posted a few links that offer something for free here..  Free is always good.

On a more spiritual note, today  I enjoyed Psalms 1.

When in doubt, always remember Jesus is the way.  He never claimed it would be easy, but we can be assured that the outcome will be something we can’t marvel or comprehend.  My prayer for you and me today will be that we travel His ways.  My we pick up our feet when we stumble and let Him redirect us on the right path.
