hap-n-y81Here are some of the things I want to implement as a family in 2009.

1) I want us to be diligent about doing our family devotion every night at 7:30. I found this bible study that we are going to implement here.

2) I found this awesome idea on BasicallyBeechick yahoo group to organize and hold each child accountable for earning Wii and computer time. Thanks Mandi for this creative idea.

The kids will each begin the week with a ticket worth 30 minutes of TV, Computer, or Wii for each day. I will have an egg timer for computer and Wii time, TV will be monitored by when the program is over, be it a half hour show or a movie that cost many tickets. They can only redeem the tickets after school and when chores are done for the day. They can use as many tickets as they want in a day but once the 7 are gone that is it for the week. I am also going to let them turn in unused tickets for new books, say 25 tickets equals a new book. I have a bulletin board that I will set up with two envelopes for each child, one for unused tickets and one for the used.

3)  No TV!  Except on rare occasions.  For example, a sport event(UGHHH…), a special program that we will watch as a family, or a video/DVD that we approve.  Sounds harsh, but  I will explain on another post about what my 4 year old told my BIL.

4)  Instead of watching TV in the evening we will be playing games, reading together, or listening to some approved music.

5)  Family Night will happen on Friday nights unless we have other plans.

6)  Really and truly observing and honoring the Sabbath Day.  This includes not  going to the store and out to eat on this Holy Day.  I will try to prepare our Sunday meal ahead of time.

7)  Introducing and celebrating celebrating some of the Jewish Holidays.  I don’t mean annually, but just familiarizing the boys with the old traditions.  I want the book , A Family Guide to Biblical Holidays.

8)  Implementing quiet time with Jesus every morning.  I started this awhile ago but the boys swayed away from this habit after a month or so.  Poor training on mommy’s part. Read here.

9)  Eating Healthy Sncaks ~ All snacks must be eaten before 4:30p.

10)  Enjoying the outdoors more ~ working together on our garden.