
This week at Time Travel Tuesday we were requested to share our wedding day. My dh and I had a very short engagement ~ I think 2 weeks. We decided to get marry at the JP and then renew our vows on our  one year anniversary. Well, time flew by…. and that never happened.

We were united in marriage on Aug 3 at 10:00am. We had our immediate family present. Then we all celebrated at my favorite restaurant, Macaroni Grill. We had a short but romantic honeymoon at a Bed and Breakfast due to our busy work schedules.  It was wonderful. My dh had roses and sparkling water awaiting our arrival. We also went to a fabulous restaurant for dinner. It was perfect in my eyes.

Was I nervous? Honestly, my dh and secretly me didn’t know if I would actually go thru with it. Don’t get me wrong, I loved him dearly but this was forever! Needless to say, almost 11 years later and 5 beautiful boys, it was the most rewarding blessed decision that I have made from my heart. Thank you, my sweet dh, for rocking my world!!! I love you!!!