

This weekend has flown by as usual. Where does time go?

Friday Night

The 3 oldest boys spent the night at friend’s house. My dh and the 2 youngest hung out with me and my SIL while we scapbooked. It was sooooo FUN! I haven’t cropped since before Zeke E’ Boy was born ~ he is 2 1/2. I was able to complete 7 pages. Also, I was able to catch up with my SIL.


We went to a garage sale and I got puzzles, games, and several books for the boys. I am partially attempting the unschooling thing except for math and spelling for the summer. I picked up the boys and came home and took an awesome nap. Thank you, honey, for allowing me to snooze uninterrupted! Then, my youngest angel and I went and ran some errands. My 2 year old exhausted me and I needed to get away. LOL!


We went to church, ate lunch at a mexican food restaurant, I napped with my Punky, read a book The Unschooling Handbook by Mary Griffith while Punkie was in the maya wrap snoozing. The boys were rewiring the VW and playing outside all afternoon. I enjoyed the quiet with my punkie. We had homemade waffles for dinner since we had a big lunch.


My blessings are to numerous to list but here are just a few that highlighted my weekend:

sunshine ~ Finally!

ability to teach bible study to the younger ones

our house

my family

the unusual bugs that hang out at our homestead~ cool science lessons

the ability to teach my children at home each and everyday.

the chocolate donuts that my dh bought this morning

and the best one yet ~ how I just love being a child of God!


Snoop out more weekend reflections at Judy’s blog