I have been  blessed these past few weeks by attending our weekly worship series, “We Win!”  Here is a summary of the simple, but so needed reminder, that  I needed to hear…..

Everywhere you turn it seems like our culture produces nothing more than bad news. The economy continues to struggle, the stock market continues to plummet, marriages are falling apart, jobs are being lost, children continue to rebel and soldiers are at war. What hope is there? Why should we as Christians rise above the fray? What is it that should motivate us to live with hope and unpopular optimism? Great questions that all have the same answer….because we win. This series will challenge us to look beyond the temporary and see the eternal. It will remind us that the same power that raised Christ from the dead is the same power that dwells in the heart of every believer. It will help every seeker to see that they too can find hope in what seems hopeless and peace in the midst of chaos. We win….a simple reminder that we all need to hear.

To listen to the 5 Week sermon podcast, click here.

This past, Sunday, someone filmed the intriguing Painting Scene that amazed us all.  The quality and sound is poor and by no means does it measure up to the lightening, vocal, and creativity that was so perfectly planned out during this worship time.  It was truly fascinating.  I hope you will enjoy.


And remember WE WIN!