20 Of My Favorite Things

1. Color-red

2. Dessert-anything with chocolate

3. Smell-lavender and hazelnut

4. Flower-sunflower

5. Animal~ small dogs

6. Month-October

7. Beverage~ coffee

8. Pair of shoes-currently..black flip flops with sparkles

9. Snack-currentlyMunchos, but I rarely eat them

10. Song-currently…Mighty to Save by Hillsong

11. Book-currently...The Mark of the Lion Trilogy be Francine Rivers

12. Fruit-banana

13. Hairstyle-a cute short hair cut (bobbed) on other people

4. Piece of clothing-currently…denim capris with a cute casual top

15. Store to clothes shop-Kohls or Sears, I hate to shop for clothes!

16. Season-Autumn

17. Hobby-crocheting, reading, sewing, quilting, and crafting

18. Thing to collect-BOOKS and boys(sons ~ I felt that I needed to clarify that, LOL!)

19. Movie-The Christy Series

20. Restaurant-Kobe Steaks

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