bare-feetFor most of you who know us personally, will be able to fully appreciate how truly amazing God truly has blessed our family.  We were told this past January that we would not be able to conceive again without fertility counseling/or assistance.  We opted to not go that route and prayed for peace with the situation.  God graced us with that peace.  However, God has blessed us with a new baby.  We are in shock!  In fact, so is my doctor and her whole staff based on the statistics of our report we received late January.  It truly is a miracle.  We are ecstatic and received many,”Praise God’s,” in the doctor’s office today.

I will have a sonogram Friday morning to determine the due date.  Please rejoice with us as we prepare for our new little craft girl boy in January.  LOL!

Yes, I gave all our baby stuff away and have no maternity clothes to wear.  But we know God will provide just as he always has in the past.  Funny how things work out sometimes, huh!

Please pray for a healthy baby.