I LOVE to read….It’s my escape, but I haven’t read much in the last year because I have been too tired due to the pregnancy.  Since Princess is here, I hope to get some reading time in while nursing her.  I can always HOPE, right!

Here is my list.  It’s just a list of books that I would like to read or just browse through this new year.  Some of these books are not books that you read from cover to cover.


Miss Dunwood’s Excellent Instruction for Homemaking ~ Read review here.

Better Basics for the Home

Home Comforts

The Complete Tightwad Gazette


Real Family Values

Miss Manner’ Guide to Rearing Children

Full Quiver

The Mother at Home ~ reread


Home Style Teaching

Wisdom Way of Learning

The Read A -Loud Handbook

Minding Your Own Business


Amish Peace

He Loves Me

Love & Respect


Home Made Health

Toxic Relief

First Place