Friday is here again!  We are finally feeling the cooler breeze here in Texas.

Sharing my heart on the word….GROW.

The rules are quite simple.

Just share your thoughts on the word GROW for 5 minutes flat.  No editing either.  Just write freely.

Here’s to my best 5 Minutes….

True spiritual growth requires a whole heartily effort.  It doesn’t just suddenly appear like a new freckle on your arm.  It requires a commitment.

When you completely surrender to yourself, and let the Spirit take over you entirely….you begin to GROW.

Advancing in the fruit of Spirit one day at a time…you began to GROW.

Agape love begins to enlarge in your heart.  When resiting brotherly love is not option…you begin to GROW.

Accruing daily in His Word.  When thirsting to hear His voice the moment you arise… you begin to GROW.

Accepting the mere fact, that you can’t live this ornery life on your own.  You seek Him alone…you begin to GROW.

Advancing to the acceptance that this is His plan not your plan….you begin to GROW.

Diligently training my children in His Word, so we can GROW spiritually together brings joy to my heart.

Thank you Lord for  pricking my heart daily to so I can continue to GROW in you.