I am guilty beyond belief of getting caught in my busy day and forgetting to stop and listen to the Holy Spirit.  So often it is, “Woe to me!”

As I mentioned in a previous post, I get my panties in a wad when my life gets off track and things don’t go my way. I am still trying to ponder accept the idea that my ways are not His ways.  I imagine this will be a struggle for me while I am here on earth, but I can control my reactions.

I can accept His plans each day as they come with an open gracious heart.  After all, this is His plan, not mine.  I am here for His glory only.  I need to listen attentively each day to His plans for me and implement His calling.  I don’t want to miss witnessing His glory.

Roy Lessin’s book, Today is Your Best Day, has nothing to do what we can do to make our day brighter . Rather, it’s what God has already done that Roy leads us back to and shows us why today is our best day.

I am anxious to ponder the thoughts in this 60 day devotional,Today is your Best Day.  Admittedly, the title discouraged me at first because I frown upon authors who promote that good works will always lead to a good life.  Need  I say, no more! 

This is simply a devotional to help you discover God’s best for you…and encourage you to take action when He calls us daily.

 This encouraging devotional is FREE for a limited time for only in digital format.

Let’s us focus on His ways alone, my sweet friends!  Spread the word, too!  Don’t won’t anyone to miss out on this gem while it is FREE.

(Thank you, Joyful Mothering for the heads up!)