I have been curious about The DivaCup for some time now.  I knew there had to be an alternative to tampons and pads for the heavy bleeder that soil their undergarments each month.

Keep reading if you can relate.

The DivaCup is a non-absorbent menstrual cup that simply collects menstrual flow. It is inserted in the vagina and sits at the lower base of the vaginal canal. It is worn internally, yet because it is soft and smooth, it cannot be felt nor will it leak when inserted properly.

The DivaCup is the most clean and convenient method of feminine hygiene protection. No need to touch the flow. It is worn low in the vagina, not near the cervix, so it is easy to remove. No mess!

The DivaCup ends hassles with unreliable disposables in endless absorbencies, shapes and styles. It is perfect for all activities – giving women true freedom without the worry, guessing and unreliability that disposable feminine hygiene products pose.

The DivaCup can be worn for up to 12 hours before emptying, washing and reinserting for use for another 12 hours. It can be used for light or moderate flows and is emptied more often to accommodate heavy flows.  Perfect for overnight use.

The DivaCup comes in 2 sizes.

Model 1: For women under 30 years old who have never delivered vaginally or by caesarean section.

Model 2: For women over 30 years old and/or for women who have delivered vaginally or by caesarean section.


  • Latex-free, BPA-free, plastic-free
  • No dyes, colors or additives
  • Comfortable, reliable
  • Clean, convenient, easy-to-use
  • Worn for up to 12 hours at a time

The only con that I can honestly relay to you is that it does take a couple of days to feel comfortable utilizing the product with this new approach.  It was not uncomfortable when inserted like I anticipated. I never knew it was there.

I am a very heavy bleeder in my first days of my cycle, so I chose to wear a mini pad along with the DivaCup.  I only leaked once and I believed I did not have the menstrual cup inserted properly.  No leaks during bed time.  This is HUGE for me.

I am really excited about this product and wish I was aware of it many years ago.  In the past, I have had to have 2 sets of underwear…one set for everyday wear and one set for that monthly time. I’m relieved now.

Head to the Store Finder to purchase The DivaCup.

Now for the most exciting part!

The Diva Cup would like one of my readers to receive a DivaCup for FREE. Please complete the instructions on the Raflecopter to be eligible for the drawing.  I will be picking a random winner on July 3 at 12a.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

My other thoughts!

*I received a DivaCup in return for my honest reveiw and opnions.  No other compensation was given.

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