The Princess was very fond of eating her veggies when she first started eating “food.”  However, once I started giving her the good stuff, such as, meat, cheese, fruits, etc., she refused to eat her veggies.  I tried many different tactics…giving her veggies, first, cooking different varieties, and I even resorted to putting a little sea salt on the veggies.  NOPE, nothing seemed to spark her veggie taste buds.  
Refusing to raise a picky non-eating veggie eater, I prayerfully offered up my request to our Heavenly Father.  The Princess loves veggies…RAW VEGGIES!  She loves carrots, red bell peppers, radishes, cucumbers, and snow peas. 
All is good in at the Craft Family Table.  Amen!

Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.

1Chronicles  16:11