Using Crock Pot Recipes for breakfast are so TASTY!

There is nothing better than waking up to a HOT prepared breakfast when you rise!  Ok, maybe it doesn’t beat COFFEE!

I have made this easy crock pot recipe for Christmas morning and we have it occasionally for supper.  It’s a HUGE hit for my kiddos and my husband.

I have put the left overs in individual baggies for my husband to heat during the week mornings.  I always double the recipe for my gang.

EASY Crock Pot Recipe – Egg Casserole!
Recipe Type: Crock Pot
Prep time: 10 mins
Cook time: 8 hours
Total time: 8 hours 10 mins
Serves: 6-8
I double for my gang! Freeze left overs for individuals breakfasts in baggies!
  • 1 lb of cooked sausage (or any breakfast meat)
  • 12 eggs
  • 1/2 c of milk
  • 1.5 c of shredded cheese of choice
  • 1 T of ground mustard
  • bag of frozen shredded hash browns ( I use the ones that have the onion and pepper)
  • salt and pepper to taste
  1. cook the meat
  2. spray crock pot with cooking spray
  3. beat eggs
  4. combine milk, salt, pepper, and ground mustard with egg mixture
  5. layer meat, hash browns, cheese twice
  6. pour egg mixture over the layered food
  7. cook on low for 8 hours.
  8. I usually put some cheese on top about 10 min before serving time

When I double, I do not double hash browns. I only use one bag.

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