
Another busy week ahead of us…. I didn’t get to everything on my list last week due to the yucky flu that hit my Punkie and myself. Punkie had a fever from Tuesday thru Saturday. Come to find out he also had Roseola. But, he is better now.. Just teething. Ouch!



I am starting a new bible reading plan that I found last week. I’m excited! Also, last week, I found time to get my Disciple Notebook back in order which includes my prayer journal. So many prayers answered that I needed to log. Amen! My memory verse this week is..

There, in the presence of the Lord your God, you and your families shall eat and shall rejoice in everything you have put your hand to, because the Lord your God has blessed you.

De 12:7


Things I just gotta do….

Homeschool Co-op

Host Bunco at my house

Host Mom’s Night Out for my homeschool group

take Doobies to speech 2x

go to friends house for a playdate/lunch

finish the boys clip boards ~ will post pics when finsihed

go to friend’s for dinner as a family

OH ~ and do everything else that is expected of me of a homeschool mom/wife of 5 blessed sons! LOL!


My house has to be cleaned for Bunco and Mom’s Night Out. But, as I mentioned earlier, I organized my disciple notebook which included my cleaning schedule. I took Tiany’s home blessing Monday home-blessing-tuesday.doc and revised it to meet my needs. Also, I used her zone schedule as a guide. I will work on one zone per week and rotate every 4. So, this week I will be concentrating on zone-1.doc.

Train “EM Up

Last week, I really had to repent to my boys for not implementing our if-then-chart.doc So, we will be enforcing and sticking it to it. This is important to my dh and I in training our children to be Godly men, as well as, being equally fair when disciplining each of them. Every child within the appropriate age knows what the consequences are if you chose to sin. Of course, we realize that we all aren’t perfect or righteous, but we have high standards for our boys. Our memory verses this week is….

Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. John 14:1-2


Also, I really need to reorganize our scripture memory verse system. This system worked so well for us until I the summer arrived and I got lazy. So, this is high on our priority list this week. The boys can write the past weeks verses on an index card and slip it in the box. So, there’s their copywork for the week.


Food for the Soul

I am trying several new Fall recipes this week. Check out my earlier post.


Have a blessed productive week and let your light shine…. Visit Tiany for more Meandering Mondays.