Spanish Lessons

Fun and entertaining Spanish lessons for children.

Speekee TV is a foreign language program that teaches Spanish lessons to young children ranging from ages 2-10 through catchy songs.  These songs get stuck in your head so that you sing them over and over again.

Sometimes even driving mama crazy!  LOL!


Speekee TV contains adorable puppet characters as well as real children speaking Spanish from different location areas of Spain.  The short videos are very entertaining and repetitious in order to help the child retain the information. The 10 video episodes last only about 15-20 minutes in length.

How it Worked for Us

My children ages 7, 5, and 2 watched numerous episodes and learned basic Spanish terms, not necessarily, speaking in complete sentences, but learned how to say hello and good-bye, etc.

My 2 year old was definitely more entertained than my 5 and 7 year old.  For some reason, my 5 year old was frightened of the puppet, Speekee.  I’m not quite sure why because this is not a typical behavior of his.

I do believe if they were all watching the videos on a DVD and sitting on the couch, they would have been more engaged. The DVD box set format would benefit our family’s needs greater than the Speekee TV.  It’s nice to have both options available.

If you think Speekee TV might benefit your family, you can try it free for two-weeks, just cancel your subscription within the first two weeks if you don’t like what to continue with the program.

If you love, SpeekeeTVit’s only $7.50 per month.

Spanish lessons made easy and entertaining for your kiddos!

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I received this product free for the sole purpose of reviewing it in exchange for my honest opinion. I received no other compensation. Your experience may vary. Please read my full disclosure policy for more details.