
An entertaining history dvd that our homeschool family enjoyed.

We were all mesmerized with the interesting history dvd, The History of The Oregon Trail & The Pony Express.

Marshall Publishing offers a variety of award-winning dvd’s, cd’s, and books for homeschool families.

The documentary history dvd, The History of The Oregon Trail & The Pony Express, contains 2 programs on 1 CD designed for ages Grade 4 and up. However, our whole family enjoyed it.

There is also a FREE study guide that is available on the Marshall Publishing website that is helpful.

How it Worked for Us

We all cuddled on my bed after lunch and watched the first history dvd program, The History of The Oregon Trail.  The story was fascinating to my children ages 5-15.  The video had absolutely beautiful landscape captions that helped us to understand the pros and cons of America’s most famous and longest journey. I have to admit we were at little taken back with the danger and hardship that the people faced during the journey.  The video lasted about 35 minutes.

The next day, we repeated our routine after lunch and enjoyed the program, The Pony Express.  My children were fascinated with the entire story.  The little ones didn’t quite understand the concept of the story, but the adventure of the story line kept their interest.  My older children and I were familiar with the story, but did not realize how much the men actually plunged which sadly led to bankruptcy.  The video lasted a little over 15 minutes.

Both programs were very highly enjoyable and educational for our homeschool family, and it fits perfectly into our homeschool curriculum this year considering we are concentrating on American History.

Buy It

You can purchase the documentary history dvd, The History of The Oregon Trail & The Pony Express on Marshall Publishing website for 19.95.

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I received this product free for the sole purpose of reviewing it in exchange for my honest opinion. I received no other compensation. Your experience may vary. Please read my full disclosure policy for more details. Affiliates may have been used in this post.