graphics_01.gifEven thought my sweet friend, Amy, has done this for years, I just sparked the idea last year. I took each boy to the dollar store and let each of them pick out a gift for our family members. It brought such joy to me to see how creative and carefully they each took to pick out the special gift for each person. They each got a hold of a  shopping cart and went shopping. For instance, one of the boys bought my mom a shower cap since she always wears one in the shower. One of the other boys picked out a small skillet because Grandmas specialty was scrambled eggs when they visit her. The best one yet was a dish scrub brush for my BIL because my ds thought that he needed to start helping my sister with the dishes. LOL! It was such a blessing to me last year. I can’t wait to do it again this year. Beware! This is not a quick trip to the dollar store. So be prepared to be patient.

The Second tradition I want to try this year is to wrap 24 Christmas books and place them under the tree. Each night before bed during the month of December, I will have one boy pick and unwrap a book. On Christmas day we will read the best book of them ~ The bible. Of course, I don’t have 24 Christmas books, so I will be getting some from the library today.

Seek and read more WFMW at Rocksinmydryer.