I have discovered a new passion that is so much needed in my everyday life.  Believe it or not, it is the APRON.  I am forever staining my “uniforms” that I wear around the house with either bleach or grease.  I usually wear a warm up type thing, but something that looks half way decent if I have to run into the store or drop kiddos off somewhere.  If I wear a cute apron this avoids my stain problem.  At first, I felt like an old lady, but you can make some really cute ones.  I found this website with 56 Free Apron Patterns.  Also, I have recently got a hold of this book, The Apron Book.  Apron can be so fun and creative!  Now, for the best part, Sassy Apron Swatch is hosting an apron exchange 4x per year.  How fun!!!  Hurry up and sign up.
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