This week has been a tough week for my dh and I.  I usually try not post negative daily stuff, but I just had to share.  I won’t go into the details but Satan has really been trying to attack us.  Today while I was reading 1Sam 14:1-14, I was so encouraged to read the faith that Jonathan had shared with his armor-bearer.  How amazing his statement was when he said that he didn’t know if God was willing to  help him defeat the Phillistines, but he knew he had to power to do so.  Wow!  I want to have the faith like Jonathan.  I want to be content with the outcome God decides for me in all my situations.  I need to trust God in all situations.   I need to pray before any decision I make.   None of this spur of the moment stuff that I jump into without consulting Him first.  So, how do I gain more faith?  Romans 10:17 hit me in the face today.

Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ.

I need to be in the Word to obtain and truly have the faith that I want.  If I don’t have faith, then how am I to teach my children??  Children learn by example.