Most women go into c-sections clueless because they had never planned to have one.
Make the Most of Your C-Section: Prepare for a More Natural and Personalized ebook is a quick, but very informative read for any woman expecting.
It’s a MUST….I wish I would have had the opportunity to acquire the wisdom and suggestions in this resource before giving birth to my 6 children. My last three birth experiences resulted in c-sections.
Whether you plan to go natural or not, this book will help you be proactive in case things don’t go as planned.
Read it!
The knowledgeable author, Mindy, has experienced six c-sections, she has many tips to share with you including how to prepare and recover physically, emotionally, logistically, and domestically from c-sections.
Mindy strongly believes in natural child birth, but understands first hand that God sometimes has different plans for our birth experiences than what we anticipate.
What you will learn in this book about C-Sections:
- Physical Preparation
- Emotional Preparation
- Birth Plan? Yes!
- Hospital Details to Consider
- Family Centered C-Section – I so wish I considered this
- Regular C-Section Made Personal
- Planning on Having a Natural Birth?
- Remember C-Sections are Physical Too
- Celebrate the Moment
- While Still in the Hospital
- After You Get Home
- Make the Most of Talking to Your Doctor
- and MORE!
Mindy explains in great depth the basic run down of the entire c-section procedure. She encourages you to develop a birth plan and gives you many suggestions including a printable worksheet in the appendix to help you decide what is the best plan for your c-section.
Be Proactive!
I found the Q & A ‘s in the Appendix very informative. After reading the Make the Most of Your C-Section: Prepare for a More Natural and Personalized, I realized that if God blessed us with another child, I could create a plan that is much more than a doctor centered surgery, but a beautiful experience that is tailored to my wishes.
Buy It
You can purchase the MUST read, Make the Most of Your C-Section: Prepare for a More Natural and Personalized, for all expectant mothers for only 7.97.
This will make a fabulous shower gift and it will be a blessing to anyone who reads this book full of wisdom and knowledge.
Win It
Mindy has offered (2) copies of her read, Make the Most of Your C-Section: Prepare for a More Natural and Personalized, to my readers. I will be picking (2) random winners on Friday, January 4th at 11:59p. Winners will be contacted via email and must respond within 48 hours or another winner will be chosen.
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Feel your best before, during and after your c-sections!
I’ve just had my 3rd c-section and would love to have this for my next one(s).
I just had a c section 2 Weeks ago, my 3rd. This one was by far the easiest recovery. Altho I’m not sure why. I would still love this book. I never realized I had options!! 🙂
had two c sections. Neither planned. Wish I’d had this first time around.
I had my third c-section in September. I *hate* having c-sections. I’m always left with problems afterward for months at the very least. I very much want to have more children but am very hesitant because of my bad birth experiences. Maybe something in this book could help.
We’re currently 10 weeks into our first pregnancy, and while I’d love to have a natural water birth, I’m prepared for the fact that a C-section may be necessary. I’m very petite and my hubby was a 10 lb. baby! So this book could be very useful.
13 weeks today and this baby will be a planned c-section after a difficult labor with my last child which ended with a c-section (and a preemie). Would love to read and be able to plan things this time!
I am currently in my 2nd trimester with my 3rd child (a very big surprise!). I had C-sections with the previous two. I am to have another with this baby. I really didn’t think there were any options to make the C-section a better experience. The first was very hard; I was not mentally or physically prepared for a C-section. I knew what to expect the 2nd time, so it was easier and I prepared for recovery ahead of time. I would love to win this book. Thank you!
I would love to read this book. I had an emergency c/s for my last baby and would love to be prepared in case I have to have another c/s.
I’ve had two c-sections so far: one scheduled due to (supposed) macrosomia since he was estimated to be 10 lbs 7 oz to 11 lbs 3 oz (he was only 9 lbs 15 oz, just 7 oz bigger than my easiest vag delivery!) and one unscheduled due to a hospital transfer after a failed HBAC 🙁 I’m due in March with my seventh full term baby and what will very likely be my third c-section. I would love to read up on how to be a more active part of my c-section instead of just laying there waiting like I did with my first! 🙁 I’d love to know that c-sections can be a happy experience.
I had 2 csections and never thought about having better options or experiences with a csection- I would love to win this!
I have had four c-sections and have another one planned for three weeks from now. I have had emergency ones, and ones that included more cuddling and bonding. I pray this one is the most bonding one I will have.
I will be having my 4th c-section in February. The first was good, but I was very sore because they attempted a version to turn my breech baby before ending up doing a c-section. 2nd was the worst. Attempted a vbac at a different hospital, ended up with a dr i didn’t know, staples and a horribly long and painful healing. 3rd I went back to my original dr and hospital for a planned c-section, it was the easiest and best of the three.
I had a c-section with my first and are planning on one for my baby coming in April. My experience wasn’t that bad but would love to have this resource 🙂
I’ve been a doula for 18 years with 69 births and 1 year of midwifery assistant training. We started caling C-sections Cesarean Births as it helped moms to focus on the birth instead of the (for many) traumatic events that led up to needing the Cesarean.
I would LOVE to read this as one it’s always good to be able to help clients and two…as a sexually active woman one should always be aware of their multiple birthing experiences both by choice or necessity.
Momma of 3 monkeys and 10 angels