Assignment: Tell us all about how your have “your” relaxing time, more especially how during the cooler months you take time to curl up with your favorite movie, book, Bible study, and what your favorite warm drink would be.

Relaxing time, what’s that?

Relaxing times for a blessed mommy of 5 boys….

After I put the younger ones down for a nap, we all curl up on my bed(with blinds shut) and I read out loud to the older ones and we discuss our topical study.  I usually can bribe one of the older ones with a dollar or two to rub my feet with  lotion.  Then I usually fall asleep for a brief nap.  I love my naptime.

Second, I love to crochet before I start supper.  I watch the news at 4pm everyday and get my political science in for the day.  I strive to get all my chores done before lunch so I can get this special time in each day.  I am currently working on a  Christmas afghan for our family.

Another relaxing blessing I adore is bedtime with the younger ones.  I have the luxury of having a dh that loves to actually do the physical part of tucking the boys in.  I read to the younger ones at least 2 books.  We love to go to the library and pick out tons of books of interest every other Saturday.  I sometimes try and pick a theme.  Last week, we read books on apples. We curl up on my bed and cuddle.  Many times my ds7 and I will read every other page.  Once again, I’m sneaking school in.  Hee Hee……  Then, my dh puts them to bed and I read my book in my oh so cozy bed.

My dh and I  enjoy watching movies from Netflix once or twice a week after the boys go to bed in our bedroom.  But finding a good movie these days is bit challenging.  And it’s a real treat when I actually don’t fall asleep before the movie ends.  If I do, my dh always informs of the ending.

Also, I indulge in a hot bath in the dark with a candle before bedtime during the colder months.  The very best bubbles are…..  Read this post here. I love to put my warm flannel jammies on, too.

So, as you can read, I actually do manage to have some relaxing time with 5 boys.  I take every relaxing minute as a blessing and work hard to accomplish all my tasks during the earlier hours.  Life is good for me.  God really has blessed me beyond measures.