
Betcha’ Can’t Eat Just One (Lays Potato Chips)

Assignment: Tell us about something that you can’t get enough of and what scripture(s) in the Bible you cannot tear yourself away from.

Ohh..  There are so many things I can’t get enough of during the short hours of each given day..

First, I need to read ICor13 everday. I need a constant reminder of the true definition of love each morning.  Especially the patience part. And sometimes I require His food  more frequently than just once a day .  In another words, this  apparently is the one of the  reminders God thinks I need to ponder and chew on.  Obviously, it hasn’t completely sunk in my heart yet.

Second, I can not get enough books.  I love, love, love books.  I love books that will aid me in becoming the woman God designed me to become.  I have a butt load of reading material.  (don’t tell my boys I used the “B” word)  I don’t read much fiction, but when I do ~ I love to indulge into a Janette Oke book.  Always a good, easy and  inspirational read.  Check out some of my reads here and here.

Third, this is proabaly my favorite chip of them all…  I love to gain knowledge, wisdom, and understanding from the Lord in discovering curriculum and lessons in teaching my children to reason from a biblical worldview.  I have learned so much myself and believe God has directed me to use the Principle Approach to teach my children everyday.  This is the one area that I truly acted out of obedience.  And a tough one ~ I don’t like change especially when something is going so well… We were using the Charlotte Mason approach and I was completly at ease with how our school day agenda sailed along each day.  I still do love the Charlotte Mason approach and still implement several of her suggested methods and ideas.  Now, I can’t get enough knowledge of the principle approach. However, this requires much study time for me.  But I consider it a gift that God has given me that will truly be a blessing to my children and the future generation to come.  It has also taught me to reason from God’s view in every area of my life too.  I find myself often asking, “How does God think about this?”  The Principle Approach is a life long learning approach that I will continue to pursue for at least 16 more years until my youngest graduates.