My first assignment as a student of My Blogger Friend School is:

Assignment: Take time this week to write about YOU and your feelings of trials and triumphs with homeschooling.  Touch on when you first heard about the concept of home schooling and whether you tip-toed into the idea or just jumped in and never looked back.  Share your schooling as a child and how you compare it to what your goals are for your children.

My very first time to hear about home school was in a Speech course I took in college.  We had to give a pro and con speech.  This young 16 year old girl presented a speech about the pros and cons of homeschooling.  I felt so sorry for her because I felt that she missed out on so much.  How can you live your life without going to the senior prom?  LOL!  When I look back at that day, I’m sure God had a smirk on his face.  All the things that I thought she missed out on was so silly.  She was much more mature and probably  much happier than myself at that “rebel” time in my past.

Still when I started to have children I thought home schooling was plain crazy.  Why on earth would you not want your children to be expose to children their own age?  DUHHHHH!  I could go on all night why I would never send my children to public school.  However, I know you have several other blogs to read regarding this same subject.  It is a privilege to be able to educate my children at home and teach them the word of God each and everyday.  I am grateful that my dh has a job that allows me to train my children in His ways.  I have chosen to educate my children at home based on this verse alone.

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. ” Pro 9:10

The best textbook is God’s Word alone.  I don’t believe I can teach my children to be servants unless we start with Him alone.  And it’s my understanding that the public schools do not teach the books of the bible, ten commandments, and how to have a personal relationship with our King, who by the way created everything.

My goal for my 5 sons is for me to train them to  have a personal relationship with God, to reason from a biblical perspective, and to equip them to be the disciples God created them to be.