I can’t wait to run to the book store and buy the 3rd book to this endearing, heart-warming trilogy series.  I have never read Beverly Lewis but always admired the covers on her books.  In all honestly, I don’t really read fiction often.  However, when my back was broken in extreme pain, I was on pain meds, so I wanted something I could read easily.  I read the first one, The Secret , in a few days.  Then my dh bought me the second book to the trilogy, The Missing.

These books are wonderful, easy to read, and have a whole lot meat to absorb.  Lots of wisdom and spiritual examples to ponder from the authors creative writing.  Lots of character in these Amish fictional reads.


Twenty-one-year-old Grace Byler longs to find her missing mother and to uncover the secret that drove her to leave them three weeks before. Grace suspects the reason has to do with her father and his reserved, uncommunicative ways. This conviction led Grace to break off her betrothal to her quiet, staid beau, and she is now resigned to remain single. But when the young Amishman she thought was courting her best friend takes a sudden interest in her, Grace is befuddled and wonders if he can be trusted.

“Englisher” Heather Lang has come to Amish country to relive fond memories of her mother and to contemplate a grave medical prognosis of her own. While in Bird-in-Hand, Heather meets Grace Byler and the two young women strike up a fast friendship, amazed by how well they click.


When Amish wife and mother Lettie Byler disappears, her daughter Grace is left confused and ferhoodled—while her father acts like nothing’s wrong. Terminally ill, Englischer Heather Nelson seeks healing from a naturopath in Lancaster County. When paths cross, missing pieces of life’s puzzle are woven together to reveal the merciful and loving hand of God. 352 pages, softcover from Bethany.

The third book in this series, The Telling,  will come out in April.  Can’t wait to see how this adventurous, loving, and encouraging series ends.  Hurry April!

A thumbs up for me!!!