
I thoroughly enjoyed this book last week.  I gleaned tons of ideas and pondering thoughts to minister to my children during these trainable years.  Fortunately, I am one mom that understands that being a stay at home mom is my most important ministry during this season in my life.  It  wasn’t until just a few years ago did I stop feeling guilty from not participating in lots of outside ministries.   I do however serve outside the home, but it is still doable for me to maintain my home and minister to my children. The home is a full time ministry in itself.  So many moms think that serving is  ONLY doing something out of the home.   This is so far from the truth.  We will have time to serve outside the home when our children are grown but we will not have a second chance in training and ministering to our children that God has put in our care.  They are only young once.

This book encouraged me to put a plan together to train and minister to our 5 boys.  I am anxious to share my notes from Sally’s book with my husband.  Together we will add some additional GIFTS in training our boys.  Sally uses the acronym..

G ~ training in  Grace

I ~ training in inspiration

F ~ training the area of Faith

T ~ Training to think

S ~ training to serve

Sally Clarkson is coming to speak in my neck of the woods this month.  I would love to attend her annual conference.  I plan on attending next year.  In the mean time, I will continue to read the rest of her encouraging thoughts in her books.