For the past week I have really been disappointed or maybe sadden is a better word for the negative comments that I have been smothered with in regards to the number of children we have or just might be blessed with.  I came across this wonderful post at A WomansJourney.  She speaks directly to my heart.  I don’t think I could have said it better.

Just so you won’t be hit with potential shocking news in the future ……..  God is in control of our family.   This world is not about me! I am here on this earth solely for God’s glory.  The secular world states that we should have 2.2 kids.  From what I have heard from so many is purely selfish reasons why they only want 2.2 children.  I say this because I once was this selfish, world confirming person trying to do what I thought was right according to the worldly views.   Not thinking twice what God wanted, but what I thought was best for our family.  You know the best private school, luxurious car, particpants in every sport that was being offered, lastest toys and Nikes that were on the market was what was best for my sons.  I actually sent my boys to an in-home daycare for someone else to raise my children while I worked over time to provide the “neccessities” for my boys.  It breaks my heart that I missed my 2 oldest boys infant and toddlers years all for STUFF!  That STUFF isn’t even around our house anymore.  Well, after 3 or 4 boys the STUFF wears out, ya know.  Yes, even the name brand STUFF.

God will provide!  He always does.  It might not be in the way I want or have planned, but He has always provided what He promises.  Food, shelter, and clothing.  Anything else is a true blessing.

This has been a huge leap of faith for my dh and I.  We have ponder this birth control issue for many years.  We are finally at peace with our decision to be obedient to God.  We have true faith that God will deliver His will for our family.

I do so much appreciate the ones that truly support our views on our large family.  I’m not asking you to share the same belief, but simply don’t reprimand us or call us irresponsible.  Once again, our views are simply an act of obedience and true faith for the one and only Creator.

No, I don’t have easy pregnancies nor deliveries.   The last 2 deliveries were c-sections.  I have had several miscarriages and have dealt with the losses. So, pregnancies are not a piece of cake for me.  But once again, this world is not about me.  I trust God will not give me more than I can handle.  If God blesses us with more children, may you feel that our children are a true blessing to us and not a burden.  We have plenty of love to share around here.

May you read this amazing testimony and may your heart be open to the truth.  Children are a blessing!

“Behold, Children are a heritage from the Lord. The fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of a one’s youth. Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them.” Ps. 127

“Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in His ways. When you eat the labor of your hands, you shall be happy, and it shall be well with you. Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine, in the very heart of your house. Your children like olive plants all around your table. Behold, thus shall the man be blessed, who fears the Lord.” Ps. 128:1~4