This past week a visiting member from our church had a family member, a young child, incur a head injury due to a TV falling over on top of him. I can’t tell you how many times our rambunctious two year old has managed to survive unharmed from climbing on top of the dresser and having the TV and VCR tumble on top of him. God was protecting him! That is the only thing I can say. Amen! In which God works overload when it comes to my precious two year old. LOL! Please read this article regarding the serious harm of something so simple that we often overlook.

Babies, children, and TV tip-over accidents

How to keep little ones out of harm’s way

That big new television you’ve just purchased could pose a real danger to your child. In the first seven months of 2006 alone, 10 children died after a TV fell on them, twice the typical yearly average, prompting the Consumer Product Safety Commission to issue a warning to parents.

A TV tip-over typically occurs when a child attempts to climb onto furniture (or into a drawer of a dresser on which a TV sits), causing the furniture and/or the TV to fall onto the child. (See the video found in this report on furniture tip-over dangers.) A child may also attempt to grab a toy on top of a TV, or to change a video or DVD in a player atop the TV, causing those items to fall.

Injuries and deaths due to falling TVs and TV furniture are generally more common among kids 5 and younger. Fatalities are highest among 5-year-olds, and more than twice as many boys than girls are killed.

Skull fracture is a common type of injury from a falling TV, which can lead to a range of short-term, long-term, or lifelong disabilities, some of which require rehabilitation. They can include problems with bladder or bowel control, lessened cognitive ability, and lessened ability to bathe, dress, walk, eat independently, hear, see, speak, or feel (due to nerve damage). Click here to read more……
I will be looking to buy a TV stand to mount on my children’s wall on craigs list today.

Please pray for little Drew. He is in a lot of pain due to the low dose of medication he is able to have. Good news is that the clotting in his brain had stopped and there is blood flow bleeding . A shunt will be determined if necessary at a later date. He will be in the hospital for another 48 hours at least. Also, please lift Drew’s parents in prayer. They are experiencing a lot of guilt right now.

Please pass this along to anyone who has small children, grandchildren, or someone who might know someone that has children. This can be avoidable. Thanks again for your prayers!