This book was a tremendous encouragement to me as a homemaker who wants to make our home a haven.  Home is where I want to be and I want my dh and children to feel the same way.  Being a full time homemaker is my chosen career and where God has put me.  I’m so thankful that I saw the light before it was too late.  My oldest 2 children were 4 and 3 before I started being a full time homemaker and mommy.  When I had my first child, I never even imagined staying home.  After all, what did I go to college for? It was not even a topic of discussion between my dh and I.  Oh how the Lord changed our hearts significantly.

Susan Schaeffer Macaulay does a wonderful job in pinpointing the important elements in making a home run smoothly in a Godly way.  She stresses that making a home that is a joy, comfort, and encouragement is one of the most important things anyone can do.  She also mentions that the home is the basic building block of society. Homemaking in it’s self is a lost career.  No longer being a stay at home or a full time homemaker is a prestigious career.   However, I believe this one of Satan’s manipulative ways he uses to disrupt a Christian family home.  Homemaking may or may not be a full time, but I believe it needs to take priority over other things in our lives.  For me this means limiting our outside activities involved in homeschooling and extra-curricular activities for the children.  Yes, they are all fun, but attending every activity of interest would be detrimental to our family home life, as well as going against our family goals.  We must find balance in our lives which is such an imperative concept in training our children.  Bottom line….. You must be home in order to make a home a haven. Some of the topics discussed in this marvel of a book are..

*Home is the best place for growing ground for children

*Importance of bed time routine, meals as a family, and reading good books    together

* Daily Rhythms

*Keeping things in perspective

*Early and Vital Day

And there is so much more.  This book inspired me to read her mother’s book, The Hidden Art of Homemaking.  Admittedly, I skimmed through that book awhile back and really couldn’t get into it, but I am more than half way through and love it!

Also, the author is a Charlotte Mason advocate which I can totally appreciate.  Not so much in the way of education in this particular book, but as the means of treating children as people.

In a nutshell, this book will definitely be one I will be putting on my dd books to read list.  It would make a great graduation or wedding shower gift imop.

Let me know if you have any other good reads that have encouraged you in the lost art of homemaking in the comment section below.

Joyful Homemaking!