
Do you have homeschool burnout or Spring Fever?

Homeschool Giveaways has you covered!

Free eBook Bundle for Homeschool Giveaways Subscribers! $30 Value!

1.) A Recipe for Homeschool Burnout and Its’ Antidote

2.) 7 Ideas to End the Homeschool Year Strong . . . Instead of Fading Off at the Finish

3.) A Call to Homeschool

4.) Purposeful Planning

These 4 items that will SUPER CHARGE your Homeschool – FREE to Homeschool Giveaways Subscribers!

A Super Shot that will cure you and give you freedom from “Homeschool Fizzle” We all know what homeschool fizzle is. We start the year strong and ready to go and about this time of year we are beginning to wear out a little. The end of the year is just far enough off that we wonder if we have the stamina to stay strong and smile to the finish.

This Mini Bundle is packed with inspiration and how to’s to keep you from fizzling or fading. No purchase necessary, completely FREE to Homeschool Giveaways Subscribers!

Have you read my FREE eBook, Instilling Biblical Character:  100 Tips and Resources to Train Our Children yet?