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State File Folder Game


Click to download the State File Folder Game FREE on Currclick.


What better way review children’s knowledge of United States geography than to play a game? It’s better than taking a test, that’s the point of view a child will have and who likes correcting a test anyway!

This file folder game is a slightly different version as the full size game, it has fewer playing squares with the state name and state capital decks included. Directions are included to put the basic board together and to play the game once it has been printed. You will need to supply glue and a file folder to complete the finished game and also need to print the pages for the decks you want to use and cut them apart. We strongly suggest laminating the game board although laminating the decks is optional.

This game can be a perfect addition to a unit study of United States Geography. It has also been tested with children diagnosed with ausism. The letters on the game decks included with the game are in large print.

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