I was thrilled to find Kinderbach beginner piano lessons for my young children. We are having so much fun with these FUN online beginner piano lessons with cute characters that are teaching my children the love of music, note reading, rhythm, singing, and composition.
Kinderbach offers on-line beginner piano lessons for ages 3-7. My sons, 7 and 5, have absolutely no problem utilizing this program themselves. I just provide each of them with the pages for the lesson, my laptop, and a few crayons. The school table happens to be right next to the piano making this program very convenient for us.
Each lesson has a cute video 5 minute or so lesson and a print out to go along with the lesson. I love that music theory is stressed in these beginner piano lessons. This helps the children understand the principles of music before just jumping on the piano.
Since my children are a bit older, we are able to confidently complete 4 lessons at a time. I am sure as they progress, we will have to slow down.
This program is excellent for the homeschool family who is stretched for time and money. Kinderbach is 75% less expensive then solo piano lessons and you have the convenience of working at your own pace. It will also give you a good idea of the piano interest level of your little ones.
Buy It
You can purchase a year membership online at Kinderbach for a Year Membership at $95.88 annual or $19.99 monthly. There is also a 30 day guaranteed satisfaction.
Not sure these beginner piano lessons are for your kiddos? Try a one day trial pass for 5.95.

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