I have been pondering the thoughts of dressing modestly for months years now.  Maybe I should say “feminine”  instead.  I absolutely hate to wear tight shirts and jeans.  UGH……  They are so uncomfortable to me and I feel like a fat cow.  Also, I am self conscious of my weight.  To be blunt….  I am fat, not huge, but fat.  Please don’t think that I am being insecure, but just honest.  I am probably not at an unhealthy weight since none of my doctors have told me otherwise, but losing a few pounds wouldn’t hurt me.  I prefer to wear capris, pants, or sweats/shorts(around the house) each day.  Definitely, not a skirt.  However, I do love to wear aprons.

Enough about my weight, blah, blah, blah….., and on to the conviction God has put in my heart.  I really truly have been struggling with wearing skirts .  My dh likes me to wear long skirts.  He doesn’t require me, but just thinks I look nice in them.  So, about a year ago, I made a promise, but failed to maintain it, to wear a skirt once a week.  One of the biggest struggles I have with wearing skirts is…… What shoes to wear in the Winter? Spring and Summer are easy ~ just put on a pair of cute flip flops or sandals and off you go.  I refuse to wear tennis shoes with my skirts.  I just think they look dorky!  Please don’t take offense if you have the confidence to wear them in public with a cute skirt ~ More power to ya ~ I admire you.  So, if you have the answer to this question ~ Please let me know what shoes are appropriate and comfortable to wear with a casual skirt in the colder weather.

It was ironic and completely a God thing to me when I stumbled across this site.  This past Sunday I challenged myself to wear a skirt for 7 days straight.  I managed 3 days and gave up.  I had the attitude…  Oh, Jill….  God doesn’t really care…  But obviously He does or I wouldn’t have stumble across this challenge this morning.  So, funny, huh?  So, today is the first day of my 7 day skirt challenge…  I will be posting my thoughts during the next 7 days and maybe some photos in my feminine modest apparel.

I would be tickled if you participated in this challenge with me and let me know your thoughts.  I need your encouragement on this subject.

Also, Let me know your personal thoughts on this subject…  Do you think I’m crazy or what?  Be honest!