Sewing is such a lost art in our society today.  But what a blessing it is to for the homemaker to master this hobby or art.  I just learned the art of sewing about a year ago.  I love it!  I am still a rookie, but plan to make as many clothes, household items, and gifts as possible.  Growing in Grace is giving away 2 gifts to encourage and  initiate you in this lost wonderful homemaking learned task. My mom knows how to sew, but doesn’t adhere to it as a necessity, but more of a hobby when she wants to work on a project.  Also, I don’t remember my grandmothers sewing at all.

I made my own Kitchen curtains because I fell in love with the fabric.  I now have the perfect kitchen curtains that suits my style.  BTW ~ my style is more of the “country” theme which tends to not be so in style these days.  I also love sunflowers ~ yea, I know those were popular in the 90’s.  So, it makes sense for me to make my own home decor instead of settling for something less desirable in my eyes.

Try it!  You’ll love it and will want to sew everything!  Enter here.