Putting the last scoop of coffee grains into the coffee filter, I double check to assure myself the timer is set for the morning.

I quietly thank the Lord for coffee.

Desperately trying to have a quiet and meek spirit while screwing the lid on the last sipping cup of the day, I hand the pink cup to my thankful 2 year old daughter who smiles brightly at me and says, “Thank you!”

I rush her to finish her milk.

I make sure all pearly whites are clean.

I tuck my 2 sons in tightly and wait quietly for them to say their prayers.  And these 2 little boys never forget a lick!  Sadly, in the back of my mind, I am anxiously wanting for them to flurry because I am exhausted from another day of being a mommy.

Sad, but true.

Next, our sweet princess holds her arms out to me, so I can place her in her crib with every “Sally,” she owns and her 3 blankets.  Thankfully, she wants to pray, too.  Just like her big bubba’s. She repeats every word as precisely as she can after me.  She’s just learning to talk.

I hit the button “on” of their CD player.  It plays softly hymns sung by children.  It’s ever so sweet to the ear.

As I turn the light off and say one last, “Good Night,” my 2 special boys say the sweetest words to my soul that a mother will never erase from her heart.

“Thank you, Mommy, for tucking us in and praying with us!”

And to think I wanted to hurry up their heartfelt prayers so I could call it a day.

I’m sad that I take my motherhood for granted at times.

The verse came to my mind from Psalm 127:3-4,

Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth.

These are His children, not mine.  It is my privileged to pray with these precious children in His name.

May I never forget that my children are a heritage from the Lord.