10 Timely Facts about me…..

!)  I love my life on earth as a helpmeet to my dh and 5 sons

2)  I am praying for a quiver full of children

3)  I can’t stand to shop for clothes, but books online is another story!!!

4)  I am so uncomfortable when some one gives me a compliment

5)  I am a binder queen ~ I implement a home management binder, disciple binder, craft binder, recipe binder, Christmas binder, and a homeschool binder

6)  I love forms ~ how surprising!  As well as creating them

7)  I love to crochet and sew

8)  I wish I was thinner, but despise exercising

9) My dh is the romancer in our marriage ~ I’m working on that…

10)  I use to arrest shoplifters at the mall in my younger days

This is such a fun theme this week.  See others 10 Timely Facts.