blessed beyond a doubt affiliate disclosure2I could have slapped myself when I pulled in the drive way and realized that I forgot to buy brown sugar.


how to make brown sugar

We needed to make some cookies for the back to school bash the older boys were attending that evening.

Now when you live in the country, you learn to be so creative. Trust me!

This brown sugar recipe is so terribly easy, it’s almost embarrassing. However, it just seems so domestic to say, “I make my own brown sugar.” Maybe it’s not as homey as baking your own bread, but it’s pretty close in my book.

how to make brown sugar

How to Make Brown Sugar


how to make brown sugar


  • For every 1 cup of sugar, add 2 T of molasses
  • Pour sugar in a mixing bowl
  • Add molasses to the sugar
  • Mix on high-speed with mixer until blended (this might take a couple of minutes)
  • Take fork and fluff out brown sugar

how to make brown sugar

Yes, it’s that easy to be a domestic engineer in the kitchen. If you want the brown sugar darker, add an extra tablespoon of molasses. 

Be sure to check out our easy brown sugar muffin recipe. 

Don’t forget to follow us on Pinterest for more homemaking ideas!


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How to make brown sugar couldn’t be more simple!