A couple of months ago, I was approached by Proctor & Gamble to explore their first EVER Swiffer Ambassador program, known as #SwifferFanatics. 

I admit, I get pitched daily from brands, but never once from a well-known, respected company such as Proctor & Gamble. They are truly amazing!

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In all honesty, I almost just skipped right over the email; as a blogger, I get an enormous amount of emails. After reading the email from their PR representative, however, I was in awe.

I was amazed and touched at their sincerity and the respect that they had for Blessed Beyond a Doubt; they have been reading my blog for some time now. Wow!

After catching my breath, I was signing and accepting a contract to become a #Swifferfanatic! And I have yet to turn back. 


P & G invited the entire Swiffer Fanatic team to their headquarters in beautiful Cincinnati so we could become fully educated on how the Swiffer products perform and get to know the heart behind their Swiffer products. They truly want busy people to enjoy life to its fullest, all while keeping a clean home, especially in a pinch.

Being in a pinch is the story of my life, right?

swiffer fanatic 4We went to divine restaurants, enjoyed wine, and met many new friends. It was such a blessing to me to meet so many bloggers out of my niche. It was just a grand time.

swifferfanatic_friend 2pThe first day in Cincinnati, we learned the history of Proctor & Gamble, and I was astonished by the heritage of the company and how they initiated from a small soap and paper company to the successful company they are today. Smart and creative folks, to say the least.

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They actually have a museum inside their headquarters where I could have easily spent all day browsing and reading the background on all their products. Yes, I can be sort of a history and trivia buff.


One of my favorite pieces of artifacts was the Ivory Soap carving of Harley Procter. I only wish my children could have been with me. They would have had a ball.

The few days I spent visiting with the Swiffer Fanatic team was a pure joy. I immediately came home from Cincinnati and put all my complimentary Swiffer Products to work. It has really made a difference in how I approach cleaning. Being a single, working mom, you can imagine how scarce my time is, and who has time to clean, right?

Ummmm, I do now!

It makes dusting and cleaning a delight. Also, it only takes a fraction of my time to get my floors looking like a model home. Ok, maybe I’m exaggerating a bit. My floors look like they are lived on, but they are clean. My children even fight over who gets to swiff the floor after dinner.

Life is good!

I’m a Swiffer Fanatic, and I can not lie!