Yesterday I talked about studying the Bible line upon line, similar to an IV drip. Today I want to stress the importance of instilling God’s Holy Word in our hearts. This is definitely the biggest challenge for me. My mind is not as good as it once was. LOL!
Time after time, I would fail and get discouraged. I tried numerous strategies, but still to no avail, I felt like a failure. My children knew more verses than me. How can I expect them to quote scripture in time of need, if I can’t.
I whole heartily know that Hiding God’s Word in my heart is imperative for the following reasons:
- To resist Satan and his lies
- To avoid sin
- To worship God
- To facilitate the work of the Holy Spirit
- To discern the origin of my thoughts
- To witness to unbelievers
- To enhance fellowship with other believers
- To pray more effectively
A friend of mine suggested that I read this book, His Word in my Heart by Janet Piper. It all made sense to me. I realized I needed to memorize larger portions of scripture at a time, instead of random pieces here in there. I memorize a verse each day and practice throughout the day. I have a FREE Bible App on my phone that aides me when I am out and about. I have worked on Psalm 51 at doctors offices, at parks, and in my bathroom office. LOL!
I still struggle and certainly don’t memorize as much as I should, but I am making some progress. And I love when someone reads a piece of scripture and I can quote it! I know boasting is a sin, but I do get tickled inside.
You certainly don’t have to purchase the book to start memorizing scripture. Just pick a chapter and start memorizing line upon line. Review throughout the day! Make signs on index cards and post them everywhere including inside your car.
I print out my specific chapter/or portions on paper in large print and place it under the scripture tab. I review a previous chapter and/or verses each day during my intentional quiet time.
There are many different ways to memorize God’s Holy Word. You will need to decide what works best for you. We are all created differently. Memorizing a large portion of scripture at a time works best for me.
What’s your favorite scripture that you quote in time of need?
Tomorrow I will be sharing my final thoughts on having an Intentional Quiet time, so visit me tomorrow.
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Join the fun with my crew mates who have dedicated 5 days of blogging about their passions. It’s going to be a insightful week for us all. Can’t Wait!
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