spring-cleaning.jpgI’m insanely excited about having an organized house this spring.  I just love to be organized, but organization seems to get in an uproar easily with 5 boys.  But, I’m still striving.  Today I worked on the kitchen.  I cleaned out drawers, cabinets, wiped down the counters really good, cleaned the baseboards, and the toaster.  I straightened  my pantry, too.  I still have to wipe down the refrigerator.

I found this really useful bit of info on the net.  Homemade cleaning wipes.  I can’t wait to make them.  They end up being .75 a pop instead of the usual high dollar price.  The trick is you must use high quality paper towels.  So, save your coupons and watch your ads.

I will use my own cleaning solution.  But, the site does have some cleaning solution suggestions.

My cleaning solution consists of filling your own spray container with

1/2 vinegar

1/2 water

2T of dish soap

2t of green tree oil

I put it in a spay bottle.   And label All-Purpose Cleaner.

Happy Spring cleaning!