My heart is extremely heavy this morning. I am away .from my family to be with a dear friend of mine whose ds7 was killed in a tragic car accident. Tears, sorrow, and extreme pain are consuming me. But I know I must not lose focus on Him. The minute I let go of Him and let my emotions peak in, I let the enemy in. Early yesterday morning I earnestly prayed that the Spirit would give me the strength to be there emotionally and physically for my hurting friend. What do you say to your friend of 25 years who doesn’t know how she is going to get through the day without her baby? The Holy Spirit revealed His truth to me.

And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.
1Peter 5:

Well of course I can’t find the comforting words to console my friend. Only He who lives in me can put the exact words I need to say to my hurting friend. How often I forget and try to do things on my own and leave Him out of the equation.

Oh I pray that all the people who are forever change from this tragic loss learn to cast their burden on Him. Please lift up my precious friend and her family in your prayers. Tomorrow is the funeral and will be another hard day.