Fitting family fitness in our Homeschool day has always been lacking in our home.
I know I need to exercise, but I really detest it! It’s not FUN for me nor do I feel this great ball of energy afterward.
Usually, I just send my children outside to play and they manage to keep busy by exploring or playing with some sort of ball.
Believe me, 5 boys can manage to play a game of football with almost any type of object they find outside including old shoes.
Our family has been making the most out of the curriculum produced by Family Time Fitness for the last month. It’s been exciting for us.
Family Time Fitness 4 Homeschool Core 1 has 260 physical education lesson plans to keep your family fit for a lifetime in my opinion. The recommended ages for this program is for ages 5-13, however, our whole family has been enjoying the lessons.
Each lesson includes the following:
- Skills Taught
- Equipment Needed
- Suggested Recovery Time
- Warm-Up
- Activity/Game Play
- Cool Down
- Outdoor Activity
Read Scope and Sequence of the plan.
How It Worked For Us
There are over 900 pages that you can print out for your family fitness education that comes in PDF form. I chose to print the first module and placed it in a 3 ring notebook so I could bring it outside. Since we have dedicated 3 days per week to our family fitness routine, we implement one module every month in a half.
We have a large family, so all the group activities were a big hit. On the first day, the children had a blast playing freeze tag. I totally forgot about that game that I used to play as a child. The children request to play it every day during family fitness time.
Some of my children are more coordinated than others, but a few need extra help with coordination. The warm-up program provides numerous coordination activities that have benefited my children. I was quite impressed with my 2-year-old efforts. She must take after her mama! lol!
After browsing through the whole curriculum, I realized that a lot of the activities can be played indoors when the weather does not permit. We have a big size living area and can move furniture without a problem. So, no excuses for us!
This program is an excellent fit for a homeschool coop. I am actually going to teach PE for our homeschool group with this teacher-friendly curriculum. One of my favorite perks… there is little to no prep time except for assuring you have the proper equipment each day. You may watch the demonstration video if you are unsure of the activity, but it is not required.
Buy It
You can purchase the Family Time Fitness 4 Homeschool Core 1 Package on their website for 57.00. Honestly, this is the only PE curriculum that I feel a homeschool family would ever have to buy for family fitness. It’s a great deal!

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I received this product free for the sole purpose of reviewing it in exchange for my honest opinion. I received no other compensation. Your experience may vary. Please read my full disclosure policy for more details. Affiliates may have been used in this post.
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