Visit Tiany for other Monday Meanderings…
Bible/Devotion ~ I just started the Beth Moore bible study, David today. david_cvr_lr.jpg
Things I gotta do ~ take Doobies to speech, write thank you notes, plan Punkies 1st b-day party,  do all my chores on Motivated Mom list, and thank the Lord that I have a beautiful house to manage.  It might not be the biggest or the cleanest with 5 messy boys, but it is our home sweet home that the Lord has blessed us with.
Train Em up ~ We will only be doing math, literature and our daily writing journal for school this week since Bruiser will be spending his special time with my parents this week.  We don’t want Bruiser to miss all the good stuff so we will continue with a full week next week.  We will be concentrating on the first 4 steps of the Brother Offended checklist that we have been going over diligently in the past week.  This will be more of a life long study in our house.  LOL!
Homemaking/Handi-work ~ I will be mending James new polo shirt that has a small tear in it.  ):  I bought mending tape.  I hope that takes care of it.  Also, Bruiser has a shirt that needs buttons on it.  I am also making some burp cloths for some friends.  Pics later.  Also, I am croqueting my afghan for our family room.   I am starting tonight reading Created to be his Helpmeet.
Menu Plan
Jill’s Spectacular Spaghetti, garlic rolls, and Caesar salad
Shake and Bake Chicken, corn casserole, green beans, and pears
Red Beans and Rice, cornbread and salad
Pot Luck Supper ~ Tator Tot Casserole and Apple Crisp.(I cheat and use 2 apple pie filling)
Head over to Laura to see what’s cookin’