This weekend I had the privileged of attending the Texas Above Rubies woman’s seminar. It was incredible. I was blessed with wonderful worship, beautiful insights from other seasoned moms, encouraging words of wisdom on purposeful parenting by the mentor, Nancy Campbell. Also, not to mentioned, I spent my weekend with other mothers who are proud of their chosen career as a domestic engineer despite what the secular world stresses. Above Rubies is a ministry to encourage women in their high calling as wives, mothers, and homemakers. Its purpose is to uphold and strengthen family life and to raise the standard of God’s truth in the nation. The name has been chosen from Proverbs 31.10 AMP, “A capable, intelligent and virtuous woman, who is he who can find her? She is far more precious than jewels and her value is far Above Rubies or pearls.”

You can check out the conference schedule here. You just gotta go. It was

    worth the 6 hours it took to get the Spicewood, Texas.

    But for the mean time, you can check out AboveRubies ministry here. And if you haven’t subscribed to their free magazine, do so. It is filled with encouraging thoughts to all mothers.

    I can’t wait to attend the conference in Arkansas in November. It is actually closer to me than the Texas one. YIPPEEEE!